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Thursday, February 15, 2007

"Downhome Nostalgia: Orig 1-16-2007: School Beat: Finance: EHS Construction Course Planning Discussed--Financing, Liability, Developer Support etc.

( UPDATE ) Ed. note. If Dave Sauer as city engineer says the lot proposed for this course is suitable, I would support the site selection fully.

The point of this post is that this home is the first of the school course to be built, and I hoped to have the best possible location for it. As a regular feature of this course, I would hope that an independent engineer approve all site selection. This is a matter of prudent decision making and not a reflection on the lot, or the seller. I have expressed privately at the meetings that I understand the developers have done everything possible to mitigate risk. That being said, I always like the higher lots for risk avoidance. Thus I admit I am conservative and risk averse.

The other concern not detailed is the supervision of the actual digging of the foundation, which is a whole story in itself, and complicated. It goes without saying that the folks who do this know what they are doing and follow the number on the deed as to depth.

Finance Committee discusses EHS Construction Course, funding, concerns etc.

MP3 File

Well. The day after Valentine's Day really brings back the memories of yesteryear.

At the Evansville School Board meeting the other night, the subject of the proposed construction course was brought up, with the instructor presenting the proposal of purchasing..... on generous deferred payment terms........, a lot at 6th and Badger Drive. In fact, there was a choice of three that were available.

Yesterday, just to get the real down home feel for the location, I went to 6th and Badger to get the lay of the land----and I certainly hope all my beloved readers do the same.

Standing there at 6th and Badger I felt overcome with all the memories. If you click on the post, you will see the first of my memories. The famous meeting--joint meeting---between the city of Evansville Planning Commission and the Evansville School District on December 5th, 2005, at which Supr. Carvin presented the enrollment projections and asked for consideration of the impact of residential growth on school enrollment in their planning decisions. Then---the planning commission did not even include the discussion in the minutes. Only after the protest of local residents, and yes the Observer, were the minutes revised to admit that yes indeed, the School district had been heard.

The real story is the rest of the story-------As the meeting opened, the minutes do not fully reflect the drama----Mr. Bill Hammann had the honor of informing the school district that the land that had been previously designated as planned for" future school development"---well---had been found to be unsuitable. ........ There was a pause as school officials looked puzzled. Then Dave Sauer, the City Engineer, gave the specifics---the land was in low land....and unsuitable.

Thus, standing at 6th and Badger yesterday, all these fond memories flooded over me as I gazed at the lots that were being considered for the building of the house for the school construction course. As I gazed upward toward the adjoining lots I felt as though I was down in the valley of the darkness and looking up to the light of .....maybe sea level. (Developers do dispute this and say it is the same level.)

Click on the audioblogger for the discussion in the Finance Committee a month ago in which I asked some questions about the liability of the school district in the event of...heaven forbid.... water problems.

You make the call.

Remember. We're the Blue Devils. We build on the high ground.


  1. Anonymous11:02 AM

    i'm confused, if other houses are there and just fine, why is the land to low to build now...?

  2. Define "just fine." I will have the folks on 6th street speak for themselves shortly.
