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Friday, July 10, 2009

Blogs; "Chasin": On Taxes

Click on the post as "Chasin" weighs in.


  1. Funny that she is finally "getting it". The City Council has done an incredible job of holding the line on our property tax bill. The School Board needs to be held accountable I heard nothing about the almost 13% increase in the School District taxes last year. Now they are looking to buy property for a new school? I believe we are about to retire one of the big school loans in the next couple years. Will we see our taxes go down or are they looking to find another way to spend our money?

    With the current state of our economy and the State pulling some funding the last thing we can afford are higher taxes.

    I challenge the School Board to do what our council has done and take a hard look at how they can hold the line with our tax dollars.

  2. Anonymous1:37 PM

    Jeff where have you been???? I have missed you...
