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Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Nostalgia: Matt Gaboda 2009: a look back

(Ed.note: Matt Gaboda recently announced his candidacy for the 43rd District as an independent: This video clip is from the Town of Union Wind Turbine hearings that preceded the enactment of a Town of Union ordinance that regulated wind turbine setback.)

Matt Gaboda speaks of praise of the Town of Union research committee; Says that developers now saying they have more information is too little too late and simply a delaying tactic.

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1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:34 PM

    I don't understand why this is even an issue anymore. Since the study group did their research (which makes the "research" that supports the state model ordinance pale by comparison), volumes more information about the health and safety concerns has come out. This is a no brainer: Health and safety for those who made Union Twsp their home, or quick profit for little, if any return for the foreign company? Easy choice. Thanks, Matt.
