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Saturday, August 09, 2008

Evansville: Audit 2007: Auditor cites lack of "accounting and financial policies manual"

(Ed.note: In the audit presentation on Thursday night, the Evansville auditor stated in the draft report: )

"We continue to recommend that the City prepare an accounting and financial policies manual that includes the following:

Purchasing procedures
Treasury functions including an investment policy
Fund accounting
Utility billing procedures
Cash receipts procedures
Journal entry approval
Fraud risk management
Disaster recovery plan
Chart of accounts manual
Work order processing
Utility collection and write-off procedures
Interest and reconciliation of customer deposits."

The phrase "Continue to recommend" in audit management reports suggests that the same recommendation was made last year....and it was disregarded.


  1. Anonymous4:24 PM

    of course. lets just spend and not worry about where the money comes from. as long as there is tax payers to charge it to.

  2. We were working on some of these policies back when I was city administrator. It is not a matter that anyone in city government thinks this things are not needed and the auditor's recommendations should be blown off. There just are not enough staff hours available to do all this work.

    In addition, there are some auditor recommendations that are repeated year after year, and there is nothing the city will, or practically can, do about it. There are not enough bookkeeping positions in a small city like Evansville to provide the kind of segregation of duties to protect against fraud to the level that auditors find acceptable. Every small city in the country gets this same comment from their auditors year after year.

    Bill Connors
    Former Evansville City Administrator
