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Saturday, August 09, 2008

"Chasin" Blog: "Chasin" Weighs in on Lake Leota"

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  1. Anonymous2:20 PM

    I agree with you, chasin, Matt, and many others in this city. This has to go to a referendum. I am also disappointed with the s.o.l.e. committee. Every once in a while they throw us a bone, and tell us what is going on. But not enough information to make a informed choice. They have run the s.o.l.e. committee almost more as a club, than a campaign to save Lake Leota. By club I mean, they have shared very little information with the public. Just the park board, and city council. Citizens should not have to go to meetings to stay informed. This is tax payer money, the tax payers should have been kept informed all the way. I am not sure how I would vote, but I will not vote for something without more information first. It has to go to referendum and the sole committee has to get out in the public eye and tell us how much and for what, lets not forget about the impact on our taxes.

  2. #1- SOLE is not a city committee. It is a group of citizens who have taken the lead in getting something done.

    #2- Yes. Sometimes you do have to go to a meeting to find out what's going on. Sometimes you have to go to several. Sometimes you have to go to as many as Richard.

  3. Anonymous6:27 AM

    Sole may not be a city committee but they spend city taxpayer money correct? They have/the responsibility to keep us better informed than what they have. I don't even get home from work until almost 7, sometimes 7:30 at night and their meetings are when? I believe from what I have read normally at 6 p.m.

    It is funny how my family has sold our second vehicle, car pools, only buys store brands, and has canceled our family vacation this year all in the name of making ends meet. The thought of spending this much money at this time does not seem right. Not with so many people jobless, and gas the way it is, and the price of food.

    There has to be a better way. Evansville's taxes are very high already.

  4. Anonymous11:52 AM

    Dredging the lake is an elective procedure, like a tummy tuck or a face lift. Things that are wants and not needs. If someone had 90% blockage of a vital artery, yes, spend the money. If a vehicle bridge was in need of being replaced due to age and deterioration, spend the money. Don't give the lake a boob job just to make daddy happy.

  5. Anonymous12:00 PM


    The Observer goes to more meetings than the city holds! He is a conduit that many people depend on and is a valued resource for citizens to take advantage of for free. This site along with yours and a couple of others locally make the difference in resident awareness as related to current issues.

    As far as the S.O.L.E. committee is concerned, I know nothing about them other than there open to interpretation acronym. The city council needs to recognize that this issue needs to be decided by the people and act accordingly. This is what makes America great!

  6. Anonymous2:05 PM

    I am for the lake. I am also for a referendum. I have no fear. I believe everything happens for a reason. If it passes, yippee. If it does not we will try again later. But I have lived here my entire life and I don't feel this should be decided by a few. That would be wrong. As Matt said its a want not a need. I do realize many are struggling. So I understand the concern. But I think to not have this go to referendum would divide the town more than it is, and there would a lot of accusations. Lets not have that, lets do it the right way.
