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Thursday, April 24, 2008

Economic Development: Marketing Team: Tidbits

Last week at the Economic Development presentations there were lots of ideas, lots of good ones and some that left folks wondering. And the format of the presentation was just like that used in marriage encounter weekends or even religious retreat-----the person speaks, the other listens and then the parties go to their corners to reflect:

Hence: there has been no debate or critique of the ideas that you may have listened to on The Observer or other media.

In the Marketing section, the presenter went over some pretty basic things---and their simplicity hit me right away. Like develop a marketing plan with advertising. Or develop the web site to be more effective in marketing the city.

Reflecting back on things...yes...normally one has to spend more on advertising and marketing than on luncheons and coctails to be effective in marketing an idea.

But the key sentence:

"You have to figure out what you have to offer people.......and then tell them what it is."

Then the follow up:

"For me, it is a community to raise a family in a safe environment...that has a lot of history too......(rough quote)"

Click on the video below to hear the exact presentation. Thanks to all who were involved in this process.

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