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Wisconsin Wit

Thursday, March 13, 2008

OpEd: Memories of the Slam Jam; Appendix for politics and the Wind Turbine Issue

If you click on the post you can review one of my favorite things----the up tempo game of basketball and the "slam jam." Great in Basketball. Terrible in Facilities Planning. Terrible in Public Policy. Terrible in wind turbine siting.

Yesterday as the Legislative session wound down in Wisconsin, lobbyists and their high priced PR firms mounted a little "Up tempo game" themselves in the matter of the Wind Turbine siting bill, SB544. The political folks that are very sensitive to the needs of birds and give them a 2 mile setback ala Horicon Marsh, were more sensitive to money and the interests of the Manufacturers lobby group and barely mentioned the little matter of public health that has been well documented by the World Health Organization and others. Citizens simply asked for a setback that protected human health----ironically health was big on the programs that that same political party wanted to refinance state debt to preserve programs for---and were in the municipal bond market last week selling bonds at 10% in a desperate move to preserve programs at any cost-----the picture of rushing the SB544 was of someone who was mopping up the floor and refused to turn off the faucet and wondered what the problem was. Kudos to those who derailed this to allow proper vetting. Let the vetting begin.

The details will out, but the news from the Wisconsin State Journal on this story was incomplete and the Gazette which had covered the wind story last month was mysteriously silent. This might have been since some of the sources might have had two versions or more of what was going on.

Stay tuned.

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