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Saturday, March 15, 2008

"Observer" welcomes "Cover to Cover" Blog by Stacy Vogel of Gazette

How timely....just when a local school, Edergton Middle School, is considering dropping reading, Stacy Vogel begins her blog "Cover to Cover"------Click on the post for her first post.....on the book "Atonement."

The Observer salutes Stacy on this beginning and will be featuring her blog in a special "Book" section. After all, the love of books and learning has to be a regular part of our lives and not just a period exercise done in an institution. If you have a book review that you would like to submit to the Evansville Observer, send it to fre2observe@yahoo.com

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:23 AM

    Hey thanks for the plug. Here's the link to the blog homepage: www.gazettextra.com/weblogs/cover-cover/
    It's great to see the response of people who love reading as much as I do!
