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Monday, June 04, 2007

Minutes: School Board Reorg Meeting; April 2007 plus Soccer Lights Discussion

Evansville, Wisconsin
April 23, 2007
A special meeting of the Board of Education of the Evansville Community School District was held
Monday, April 23, 2007, at 5:30 p.m. in the Evansville High School LMC.
The meeting was called to order by Michael Pierick.
Members present: Pierick, Hatfield, Larson, Phillips, Herbers, Hammann, and Rossmiller.

Ms. Carvin shared the procedures for the reorganization. She opened nominations for board president.
Motion by Mr. Hatfield, seconded by Mr. Phillips, to nominate Michael Pierick as president. Moved to
make unanimous by Mr. Hatfield and Mr. Phillips.
President, Michael Pierick, opened nominations for board vice president.
Motion by Mr. Phillips, seconded by Mr. Herbers, to nominate Dennis Hatfield as vice president.
Moved to make unanimous by Mr. Pierick, seconded by Mr. Phillips.
Mr. Pierick opened nominations for clerk.
Motion by Mr. Phillips, seconded by Mr. Hatfield, to nominate Melissa Hammann as clerk. Moved to
make unanimous by Mr. Pierick, seconded by Mr. Philips.
Mr. Pierick opened nominations for treasurer.
Motion by Mr. Hatfield, seconded by Mr. Herbers, to nominate Art Phillips as treasurer. Moved to
make unanimous by Mr. Hatfield, seconded by Mr. Pierick.
Mr. Pierick opened nominations for deputy clerk.
Motion by Mr. Phillips, seconded by Mr. Larson, to nominate Kelly Mosher as deputy clerk. Motion
carried, 7-0 (voice vote).
Mr. Pierick asked board members to view the listing of expressed interest of board committee
assignments. Discussion included that the Chairs of sub-committees share a summary of the committee
meeting at regular board meetings.
Board committee assignments were made as follows:
1. Buildings & Grounds & Transportation, will now include Safety – Dennis Hatfield, Tina
Rossmiller and Art Philips.
2. Finance – Mike Larson, Tina Rossmiller and Melissa Hammann.
3. Policy – Jeff Herbers and Dennis Hatfield.
Negotiations assignments were made as follows:
1. EEA – Michael Pierick and Tina Rossmiller.
2. EEAA – Jeff Herbers.
3. Custodial – Dennis Hatfield.
4. Food Service – Melissa Hammann.
5. Transportation – Art Phillips.
District committees were made as follows:
1. Curriculum – Jeff Herbers.
2. Technology – Melissa Hammann.
3. Energy Initiative – Dennis Hatfield.
4. Administrative Team – Michael Pierick.
Motion by Mr. Hatfield, seconded by Mr. Phillips, to move Agenda Item III-Discussion of soccer field
lights, to discuss now. Motion carried, 7-0 (voice vote).
Mr. Steve VerKuilen, Mr. Ron Buttchen, and Mr. Steve Eager, briefed all on a proposal to donate soccer
field lights to the District. Discussion.
Motion by Mr. Phillips, seconded by Mr. Hatfield, to move Agenda Item IV-Business (Action Items),
4D – Approval of installation of soccer field lights, to discuss now. Motion carried, 7-0 (voice vote).
Motion by Mr. Larson, seconded by Mr. Phillips, to approve the installation of lights for the soccer field
as a donation from the soccer group with the following condition: any ordering of equipment will take
place after the District has received money for the purchase from the sponsoring soccer group.
Discussion included bidding process needed. Motion carried, 7-0 (voice vote).
Mr. Pierick shared the start times of regular board meetings to be 5:30 p.m. on the second Monday of
the month. Board policy #171-Board Meetings, will go to Policy Committee for review. Discussion of
board packets.
Mr. Pierick reviewed policies on: 1) Legal Authority and Duties of Board Members, 2) Open Meetings
Law, 3) How Agendas are Set, 4) How Board Meetings are Conducted, 5) Purpose and Structure of
Minutes, and 6) Principles of Governance document.
Ms. Carvin discussed the role of the high school board representative. Discussion.
Motion by Mr. Phillips, seconded by Ms. Rossmiller, moved that we approve the 2007-2010 technology
plan as presented. Motion carried, 7-0 (voice vote).
Motion by Ms. Rossmiller, seconded by Ms. Hammann, moved that we approve the 2007-08 teacher
contracts as presented. Motion carried, 4-1-2 (Phillips, no; Hatfield, Herbers abstained).
Motion by Mr. Phillips, seconded by Mr. Hatfield, moved that we appoint Tina Rossmiller as the CESA
2 delegate representative to represent the Evansville Board of Education. Motion carried, 7-0. Ms.
Rossmiller will report back to the Board under Committee reports on this committee.
Mr. Pierick led discussion of future board development and board priorities survey results from the
School Perceptions Survey. Discussion.
Motion by Mr. Phillips, seconded by Mr. Hatfield, to adjourn the meeting. Meeting adjourned at 7:40
Submitted by Kelly Mosher, District Administrative Assistant
Approved: 5-14-07
______________________________________, Clerk __________________
Melissa Hammann Date

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