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Wisconsin Wit

Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Business corner: Discover Wisconsin meeting tonight

Click on the post for all the details on the meeting tonight in the EHS media room at 6:30PM.

The Observer is on location shooting some video of some community centers and will have some indepth video when I return.

If you click on the post you will see a special photo of the Discover Team with camera on shoulder filming Jon Erpenbach.

I just love the photo and it is a classic---It features the left rear video shot---I know this angle best because as the Evansville Observer, this is the only video shot I allow the press to take of me...yes alas when I was young I reveled in the front angle shots, but now only the right rear is my best side.

Seriously, Jon has some front angle shots left. He has years to go before the rear angle days arrive. Stay tuned.

1 comment:

  1. Matt Gaboda9:34 PM

    By no means am I the fashion police, but what's up with the jacket and no tie? Not just Sen. J.E. but President Obama is usually tieless as well. Maybe the Observer should try and bring back the "Paul Simon" bowtie. Does Duluth Trading Company sell those?
