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Thursday, September 24, 2009

Evansville School District to purchase home on 2nd Street

Click on the post for the agenda item on October 12, 2009.


  1. Anonymous4:57 PM

    Dear Observer: The motion on September 14 to set the meeting of the electorate at the school board meeting read as follows:

    Dennis Hatfield moves and Kathy Swanson seconds, moved that we schedule a meeting of the electorate no later than October 15, 2009 for the purpose of considering the purchase of and rendering a decision on the property at 302 S. Second St., Evansville, WI.

    As with any property purchase, the school district must bring this to the electorate for a vote.

    At the meeting of October 12, several types of payment options will be considered. If the electorate votes to purchase this property, any payment option which projects the Fund 10 balance to dip below the policy level (10% for the 2009-2010 FY), will require 2 more motions. The first motion will be to violate the policy to secure the funds, the second will be to utilize fund 10 monies to purchase the property.

    This is not as simple as stating "school district to purchase home on 2nd Street."

  2. Regardless why would the school be considering this? With money as tight as it is? Then you wonder why people think the district has done such a poor job of keeping taxes down because you spend foolishly. I don't think its anything less than irresponsible.

  3. Anonymous4:32 PM

    Where were you when the school district voted to raise the mil rate? I counted 2 non-school related persons in the audience and they were from the city government. Only two of us voted against raising the mil rate, and both of us were school board members.

    Board members wish to bring this to the community as a whole for a vote. That is not irresponsible. The irresponsible ones are those who choose not to weigh in on a topic when necessary and then bitterly complain about the process in classic Monday morning quarterback fashion.
