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Wisconsin Wit

Monday, July 28, 2008

Citizen states the comments on the Janesville Gazette blogs comments section were misinformation. Free speech or Misinformation? Mason wants to speak to the Gazette.

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  1. Anonymous10:09 PM

    There is no difference between the Gazettextra blogs and people standing by the water cooler or waiting in line at the grocery store. People like to talk, I think the grain of salt rule applies here.

    Imagine the horrors that would be discussed in blogs if the Dreaded Pirate Roberts was still around.

    To reassure everyone in Henny Penny land, take a deep breath and say Goosefrabba.

  2. What? Do you mean to say that the dreaded Pirate Roberts is not still around???Miracle Max tell me it ain't so. He's not dead. He's just mostly dead, like a few other folks.....
