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Friday, February 22, 2008

Observer asks for sign review

There are two giant taboos in Evansville in the midst of winter. 1) Never pray for more snow, and .....2) Never ask for a review of the sign ordinance.

Relax. I am not praying for more snow.

However, last night at the Uniform Land Development Code Committee, I did ask for a review of the signage that has been allowed for the shopping center on Brown School Road. I have done this on my own and not at the request of either the property or business owners. After visiting the location in the past week, I was stunned at how little visibility the traffic has of these businesses and how inadequate the signs are.

In advertising, at least as I see it, natural advertising through signs is primary. Other fancy and expensive stuff like radio and tv. is expensive and can never compensate for inadequate natural signage---Hence, if a community says it wants economic growth but allows inadequate signage-----the truth is that it does NOT want economic growth, and is in fact CONFLICTED. Evansville has been conflicted about growth for a long time. Now, more than ever, we need to be on the same page as to commercial growth, and the necessity of this in order to make the numbers come out for everyone.

That is how I see it. And you?


  1. Anonymous9:40 AM

    Actually, Bell School Plaza has had a review of signage and has the blessing of the Planning Committee to revise roadside signs, entry signs and on-building signage for better visibility.

    I'm sure that developers and tenants are working to get the revisions into place as we speak.


  2. Anonymous8:18 PM

    However that doesn't mean that they changed the ordinance, the tennants had to attend many meetings in order to get the sign improvements approved.
    Also they did not get everything they would have liked as far as signage.
    I believe the name is Brown School Road Plaza and the insignia is a Bell?
