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Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Minutes; Evansville Redevelopment Authority: January 22, 2008

Evansville Redevelopment Authority
Board of Commissioners

Regular Meeting
Tuesday, January 22, 2008, 7:30 pm
City Hall, 31 S. Madison Street, Evansville, Wisconsin


I. Call to Order. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 pm by Chair Chris Eager. Present: Chris Eager, Betsy Ahner, Tony Wyse, John Decker, Barb Jacobson, and Tom Calley. Absent: Roger Roth. Also present: Executive Director Dan Wietecha (late) and Mayor Sandy Decker.

II. Declare Quorum. There being a majority of the commissioners present at call to order, a quorum was declared.

III. Approve Agenda. Wyse made a motion, seconded by Jacobson, to approve the agenda as presented. Motion passed unanimously.

IV. Approve Minutes of December 18, 2007 Meeting. Calley made a motion, seconded by Decker, to approve the minutes as presented. Motion passed unanimously.

V. Old Business.
a. Economic Development Summit. Mayor Decker provided a brief recap of the Summit. Around 90 different businesses have been involved in the focus group meetings, the phone survey, and/or the Summit. She indicated that several task forces are currently organizing to explore and recommend specific topics to recommend for the Economic Development Strategy. It was noted that John Decker and Tony Wyse intend to serve on the Downtown Redevelopment group, so the Board would have some involvement in the strategy process.

b. Allen Creek & North Union. Wietecha noted that copies of the final, approved Allen Creek & North Union Street Redevelopment Master Plan had been mailed to property owners.

c. TID #5. The commissioners discussed formally adopting the criteria for projects meriting extra attention. They also discussed increased efforts to promote the availability of TIF and maintaining transparency of the process. Suggested ideas included publicizing success stories in the district, an increased presence on the city website, and advertising through Chamber of Commerce newsletter or business directory. Eager and Wietecha will draft a success story press release regarding the use of TIF in the renovation of the Eager Economy Building.

VI. New Business. No new business was brought before the Board.

VII. Other Business. No other business was brought before the Board.

VIII. Adjournment. Meeting adjourned without objection at 8:30 pm.

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