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Monday, December 17, 2007

Oped: Mysteries of the Inner Sanctum----Enrollment rises and Falls at the same time in Evansville

Click on the post for the recent article in the Janesville Gazette on the much talked of purchase of land for the future needs of the Evansville School District.

In the first sentence of the article, the District is described as "Growing." Then in the text of the article, Mr. Pierick explains the enrollment decline of last year.

"Enrollment took a slight dip this fall, given the fact that new home construction slowed in the last year and a half, Pierick said.

“That actually buys us some time,” he said."

So enrollment is rising......and falling....at the same time.......

Some folks have wondered about this. How could this be so? For the Observer, who every day specializes in the deeper mysteries of news, this is really part of normal practice of the news.

Most folks out there are married. Remember when you said your vows......

For Better or Worse
Richer or Poorer...
Till Death...etc.

Maybe it was Better and Worse
Richer and Poorer...
Till Death......

And let's face it, whatever the facts were....you were in love
and the details were not too important.....however....

The RBM----the Rational Business Method----- explains all the article. The Plunkett Raysich report suggests that the current Intermediate School should be converted to a Middle School, and an elementary school be built elsewhere. The elementary school is where the population study done for the school district says the enrollment growth will occur. Also, the current intermediate school has the convenient athletic fields just perfect for a middle school. This has been talked of for years. It would appear that it might be logical to build a new elementary school.

That would be too logical. Some folks want to build BOTH a NEW elementary school and a NEW middle school. They are truly in love and not looking at the facts.

The video of the Plunkett Raysich Presentation is on the blog. The full audio is available.

As to the mysteries.....will the voters be in love with the proposal? Will it be for better or worse or better and worse.....stay tuned to The Evansville Observer.

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