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Friday, December 14, 2007

Gazette: Evansville Officer Cited in Bar Fight

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  1. Anonymous12:06 PM

    I once used my position of power to bully my way through situations. When I was in the sixth grade I was a badge yielding cadet with a vibrant orange sash. That kind of power should be illegal, and needs to be tightly controlled.

    Long story short, lunch had ended, and I was thirsty for a nice cold chocolate milk. The lunch lady said, " Hey, didn't you hear the bell? " I'm not sure who swung first, but even though I ended up in intensive care, and she walked away, I feel I got the better shots in. I learned that the intoxicating power of that badge needed to be held in check and only used in extreme situations.

    As a word of advice to Officer Friendly, it ain't worth it, I later found out they sell chocolate milk at convenience stores, who knew?

  2. Anonymous1:36 PM

    You are hilarious. I love that story yet, point made.

  3. Kinda just brings tears to the eyes with the tales of youth and all...and inded brings back memories of tales of Hardy Boy of old of the famous Casino at 6th and Vision.
