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Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Public Safety Meets Wednesday Night: Liquor Licensing on the Agenda

Click on the post for the agenda on the Evansville Agenda Blog.


  1. Anonymous6:27 AM

    I think since this town would never not allow more alcohol sales that every time they grant a liquor license the person requesting the liquor license should be required to make a donation to the city to start some sort of alcohol awareness and programs for our youth, and the city should match that amount. The adults in this town need to lead by example and take a geniune interest in the youth in this town.

  2. Anonymous11:07 AM

    The adults in this town who do not have children have a right to drink as well. The righteousness argument from some people is well intentioned, I am sure, however people must be afforded the simple right to live in their own ways as well as long as it conforms with the law.

    Your morality does not trump my legal rights.

  3. Anonymous3:25 PM

    Amen anon, well said. Let me guess chasin the city tax dollars should pay the rest, that is crazy talk

  4. Anonymous5:11 PM

    what about adults with kids? They can't drink responsibly?

  5. Anonymous7:56 PM

    I think adults can drink all they like as well as its responsible. I have no problems with adults drinking.

  6. Anonymous3:09 AM

    NO wondner why there is so much underage drinking in this town, no one wants to account for it.

  7. Anonymous9:51 AM

    Well then liquor licenses going to resposible businesses should not even be a venue for the unfortunate, yet inevitable, problem of underage drinking.

  8. Anonymous12:34 PM

    Keeping kids away from drinking is the job of the parents. Not the job of the local businesses.

  9. Anonymous4:25 PM

    to the last anon,
    What planet are you living on??
    Why do you think the state runs sting operations? Because businesses continue to sell alchol and tobacco to MINORS. Business owners everywhere know the rules yet they continue to violate them by continuing to sell those items to minors. If it were soley the parents obligation to keep minors away from these items then the parent would be ticketed instead of the business.
