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Saturday, October 29, 2005

Watercooler: Do Organized Sports start too young?

The Cap Times has an interesting op ed piece today with reflections of Pat Richter, the retired AD of UW, suggesting along with other medical types, that the pushing of kids as young as three into organized sports really deprives them of their childhood.

Click on the post for the whole article by Rob Zaleski.

What are your thoughts on this? You make the call.

1 comment:

  1. Fred,

    I wonder if you have a point as far as are kids more at risk now than they were in years past? I turned 11 in 1980 and was allowed to run the streets (in a town of comporable size to Evansville,in central Illinois) in the late 70's with my friends and play "pick up games" of baseball, football,etc. I wonder if kids are really more at risk now than we used to be? It may just be the 24 hour news coverage makes us more aware of isolated incidents that didn't get the attention they now receive.
