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Wisconsin Wit

Saturday, October 01, 2005

Was UW speaker Anti-War Free Speech or Pro-Terrorist?

The Janesville Gazette has reported that an anti-war speech by Mr. Galloway has sparked controversy at the UW, in that it may have overstepped the usual free speech, anti-war speeches that have been eternal at UW, and instead was really a pro terrorist speech.

The University insists that his speech was just part of an open forum where all ranges of ideas could be expressed.

Click on the post for the entire story. What are your thoughts on this issue? You make the call.

1 comment:

  1. It was quite interesting in May to see someone on the Senate floor talking frankly about the issues around the Iraq war. Senator Coleman didn't know what to do when Galloway chastised the entire Senate for the complicity in the run up to the war.

    From what I have seen, the corruption in Oil for food program pales in comparison to what is happening in Iraq now. Why is there $9 billion missing and why does no one want to investigate what happened to the money? We need someone with some integrity to form a "Truman commission" to investigate war profiteering.
