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Friday, May 01, 2009

Nostalgia: Nov. 2006: Mr. Bill Connors Speaks on Half-Day Kindergarten---Reviews the Numbers, the Logic

Click on the post for the presentation in 2006 by Mr. Bill Connors, former City of Evansville Administrator at the Evansville School Board Meeting considering Half Day Kindergarten. All of the arguments made then are relevent now.

Readers are urged to pick up a copy of the Evansville Review this week for an excellent article by Tammy Pomplun. I was ill and unable to attend this meeting, but..no problem---the parents who showed up were eloquent in explaining what an asset for our community Half Day Kindergarten was and what a loss losing it would be---and is.

It does appear that the Evansville school district plans on having some of the children who prefer half day just leave at noon----it is called the "pullout" version. Nice touch. Then the school plans on billing the State of Wisconsin for a full time student I presume.

Let me see. I cannot recall what they used to call that practice in Accounting 101. Maybe my readers can recall.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:12 AM

    from what I have read, it sounds like the parents who wanted the half day kindergarten got screwed. It's funny how the school played with those numbers to suit what they wanted.
