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Saturday, November 01, 2008

Video: Just Say NO to Lake Leota---The Top 10 Reasons

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  1. Anonymous6:13 PM

    I said NO.

  2. Anonymous11:40 AM

    I will vote yes, I mean, no. I'm not too optimistic about this being shot down, but I will give the city credit for putting it on the ballot.

    That is what happens when you have alders who want what the people want.

    Now it is in the hands of J.Q. Public

    Thanks to the Observer for his hard work on this issue and for presenting facts for all to see.

  3. Anonymous8:25 AM

    70-30. Evansville has spoken.

  4. Anonymous11:57 AM

    The last post could have had a more original name, like Mr. or Mrs. Obvious. I'm still pleased that this went to referendum. I am a peace knowing that the hard working citizens of E town are willing to shell out a little more to have a visual, purely aesthetic backdrop, for fireworks, picnics, and long walks in the park.

    If the people truly want a lake, take the 2 million, buy back Westfield Meadows for flood zone ag prices, maybe $2000 an acre for 80 acres, with the remaining money buy up as many houses along the west side of South Sixth St. and auction them off to be moved. Put up a sign that says, "Free Fill". R.E. will eagerly have you to water withing weeks once word gets around.

    With that 2 million dollars you have created a lake in a flood zone and remedied the South Sixth Street fiasco. There might even be enough money left over to hire Chuck Mangione to play Feel So Good at ribbon cutting of the new lake and recreation area.

    But there will be no saxophone in Evansville, there will only be the sounds of heavy machinery creating the World's Largest Mud Puddle.

  5. Anonymous9:18 AM

    Now don't forget once the mill pond is deep again. New troubles will have to be payed for, Algea is the the next problem. How much will that cost to get rid of. The beach people will want. The warming house. Clearing the snow off the pond so skateing can happen.

    Now I put this to S.O.L.E. really get something going to get money up to pay for the next dredgeing in twenty years. It will be around 6 mil so you know what needs to be done start working now.
