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Monday, November 19, 2007

Minutes: Water and Light: October 31, 2007

Water& Light Committee Meeting
Regular Monthly Meeting
Wednesday October 31,2007
6:30 P.M. At 15 Old 92

Members Present Tom Cothard Chair, John Sornson and Barb Jacobson at 6:35

Staff: Scott George Superintendent, John Rasmussen foreman and Dan Wietecha

Also present were: Mary Libby

1. Chairperson Cothard called the meeting to order at 6:30P.M.
2. Motion by Sornson 2nd by Cothard to approve the September 26, 2007 Water & Light Minutes with one change motion carried 3-0
3. Citizens concerns 1) Mary Libby requested reimbursement for damage to home appliances after a problem with her transformer after some discussion her request was denied. 2) Lolita Martins requested reimbursement for a damaged water heater Motion by Cothard 2nd Sornson to table Passed 3-0 3) Bev Krueger concern about her tenant’s delinquent account - no action taken
4. Discussion and motions on Public Benefits. 1) St. John’s Church $660.00 Motion by Sornson 2nd by Jacobson Passed 3-0, 2) Evansville Schools $2500.00 Motion by Sornson 2nd by Jacobson Passed 3-0
5. Committee Reports – Chairman Cothard: Tom asked about old St. Light poles. They will be put back up when the city finds locations for them
6. Committee Reports - Supt. Scott George: 1) Scott presented the revised job descriptions for Lineman and Line foreman after reviewing them the comm. Approved them.2) Scott ask for permission to fill the Lineman position vacated by Dean Hermanson that had not been filled - the comm. granted his request.
7. There was no other legal action to come before the committee
8. Motion to adjourn by Jacobson 2nd by Cothard at 7:10 P.M. Passed 3-0

These minutes are not official until approved by the Water & Light Committee.

Submitted by John A. Rasmussen

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:01 PM

    I am wondering why some people's request for reimbursement for dmg. items were denied when other's were approved. ???

    Also as far a Bev Kruegger complaining about her tenants del. account.

    Suck it about Bev, you get to pay it on your taxes, like the rest of us who had tenants bail, with out paying utility's.

    That is why you do charge a deposit for.
