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Thursday, September 21, 2006

Minutes: Historical Preservation: The Historic Standpipe

(Ed. note. The following is from the recent Historic Pres. meeting and deals with the new two historic areas to be designated---one of which is the standpipe.)

"Copies of the Intensive Survey were distributed. Tim Heggland is proposing two new districts, Lake Leota Park is listed as a “designed landscape”, and the standpipe is deemed eligible to be placed on the National Register. There was a discussion on homeowner’s reactions to being placed in a historic district. It benefits them because they are able to apply for tax credits for work done on their homes. Mayor Decker will address a letter to the 25 homeowners in the proposed districts and invite them to the meeting at the Masonic Temple on September 28 to hear Tim’s report. She also noted, we have received permission to give $660 remaining from the project to the library for the purchase of books on restoration.

Another community has offered us $2,000 remaining from their grant project to have an application for the National Register of Historic places written for the standpipe. This would give the pipe protection from removal by the Public Service Commission. HPC members voiced their concern about the process of getting approval from the National Parks Dept. for repairs and maintenance. Mayor Decker will visit with Joe DeRose about this. Motion by Culbertson that the Mayor talk to the Evansville Water and Light Department and encourage them to approve the submission of an application to place the standpipe on the National Register of Historic Places. Second by John Decker. Motion carried"

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