Monday, July 30, 2012
Public Safety Meets Wed August 1st
The regular meeting of the Public Safety Committee for the City of Evansville will be held on the 1st day of August, 2012 at 6:30 p.m., at Common Council Chambers, 31 South Madison Street, Evansville, Wisconsin. Notice is further given that members of the City Council might be in attendance.
Public Safety Committee
Wednesday, August 1, 2012 6:30 p.m.
Regular Meeting
Common Council Chambers
31 South Madison Street
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Approval of Agenda
4. Motion to approve the July 2, 2012 meeting minutes as printed
5. Citizen appearances other than agenda items listed
6. Old Business-
7. New Business
a. Motion to approve the Operator’s License application(s) for:
1. Heather L Ace
2. Tracy W Healey
3. Katie L Fugate
4. Tyler J Frame
5. Jennifer R Potts
b. Discussion regarding Knox Boxes
c. Discussion regarding Animal Complaints on Almeron Street
d. Discussion and possible motion related to RV camper parking on city streets.
e. Discussion on disputing of EMS Billings.
f. Discussion and possible motion to recommend to Common Council approval of the Contract with the Town of Madison
g. Discussion and possible motion to recommend to Common Council approval of the Mutual Aid Contract
h. Discussion of the capital and operating budgets
8. Evansville Police Report
9. Evansville Medical Service Report
10. Motion to adjourn
Barbara Jacobson, Chairperson
Requests for persons with disabilities who need assistance to participate in this meeting should be made to the Clerk’s office by calling 882-2266 with as much advance notice as possible.
Please turn off all cell phones while the meeting is in session. Thank you.
Mailbag; "Bear Trader" writes: More About Spain
Like I said some weeks back Spain needs about 400,000,000,000 Euros to
recap the banks. A loan of 100,000,000,000 Euros has been promised.
Three times that much is still needed, and not as a loan - unless it
is a loan "in name only" - because Spain couldn't pay back that much
money at 5% interest in a million years. Maybe the ECB (run by Mario
Draghi, by the way; Mario Monti is prime minister of Italy) will just
buy Spanish bonds and just never redeem them, just vaporize,
incinerate, or put them in a drawer and forget them forever, etc.
Spain needs cash to pay off loans, not loans to pay off loans. The
ECB will intervene in Spanish bond markets for sure, now, with massive
buys that will just murder the shorts, like driving the interest rates
of Spanish bonds down from 7.5% to less than five percent long enough,
a day or so, to kill the shorts, and then say they will do it again
whenever they feel peckish. The message is "you might want to be
careful, boys and girls".
The Germans are listening now to European "reason" because Greece owes
Germany Target2 funds of 692,000,000,000 Euro (which are part of
German bank "assets"). As well Germany holds Greek, Spanish, and
Italian debt in unknown amounts, probably over 5 trillion Euros, maybe
two or three times that amount. Greece leaves the EU, Germany is out
692 Billion Euro in Target2 funds, plus whatever the Greek government
owes, plus what all Greek private citizens owe. Call it a round
Trillion Euro. A loss of this size would make every German bank,
insurance company, and pension fund bankrupt. Throw in Spain and the
loss would be something like 7 Trillion Euros.
Add Italy and it would be maybe 17 Trillion Euros.
The EU would explode into space.
Saturday, July 28, 2012
Matthias James to be in Appleton, Wi July 29,2012: Art at the Park
July 29th Art at the Park features new enhancements
The Trout Museum of Art’s 52nd annual Art at the Park takes place Sunday, July 29, from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., at City Park, Appleton. Nearly 200 artists from seven states will be exhibiting their works. Artwork will be juried by textile and fiber artist Christine Miller of Dallas, Texas.
New enhancements to the event include an Imagination Playground and children’s art area hosted by The Building for Kids Children’s Museum, strolling opera performances by the Madison Fresco Opera’s Opera Unplugged, The Avenue 91.1 jazz soundstage, a community mural project, and a student art exhibition.
Refreshments will be augmented by new local food vendors including the Kangaroostaurant, an authentic spanferkel by ABC Pigroast, and a beer and wine garden hosted by Appleton Downtown, Inc. Visitors will also have the opportunity to register to win original artwork donated by participating artists and tickets to Jazz at the Trout events at The Trout Museum of Art’s Membership Booth.
Trolley services will be available from downtown Appleton parking garages and handicapped parking will be available on Park Street. The public is encouraged to park at downtown Appleton’s Soldiers Square Ramp, East Ramp, or Midtown Ramp. There will be stops at these ramps for the Downtown Trolley to allow easy access to the “Art in the Park” event. The Downtown Trolley drop-off point at Art at the Park will be located at the corner of Franklin and Drew Streets.
Friday, July 27, 2012
Eager Library Board Meets Tuesday, July 31, 2012
A regular meeting of the Eager Free Public Library Board of Trustees for the City of Evansville will be held on the 31st day of July, at 5:30 p.m., at Eager Free Public Library, 39 W. Main St., Evansville, Wisconsin. Notice is further given that members of the City Council might be in attendance.
Eager Free Public Library Board of Trustees Meeting Tuesday, July 31, 2012 5:30 p.m. At Eager Free Public Library, 39 W. Main St., Evansville, WI 53536 AGENDA
If you need special accommodations to attend this meeting, please contact the library at 608/882-2260. 1. Call to order.
2. Approval of all June meeting minutes (attached). 3. July bills (roll call vote).
4. Librarian’s Report
Budget update & Circulation statistics
Summer Reading/Programming update
Pest Control, Collecting Excessive Fines, & Maintenance of Bench
5. Old Business
Time frame for hiring new director
Lock for personnel files
6. New Business:
Library Board representative to attend August city council meeting
Slate for officers for next 2 years (July 2012-June 2014)
-President (Susan Kruser), Vice President (Eloise Eager), Treasurer
(Gwen Clendenning), Secretary (Vicki Lecy-Luebke), City Liason (Wally
Treasurer’s Report
-Fidelity Account
Thank You Cards
No Build Easement
Student Worker Position
7. Adjourn.
Next meeting: August 28, 2012.
Thursday, July 26, 2012
I and E Club Meets August 8th: TimeBank has Arrived
I&E Club Meets August 8: Get first-hand news about new" Rock Hour Community.!"
TimeBank has arrived in Rock County! TimeBank enables neighbors helping neighbors build a stronger community by attending the next meeting of the Evansville Area Inventors & Entrepreneurs Club. The group is hosting guest speaker Gary Messinger, the community outreach coordinator with Dane County TimeBank, and one of the key instigators in this new TimeBank based out of Evansville, Rock Hour Community.
I&E Club will meet at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, August 8, at Creekside Place, 102 Maple St., Evansville. The meeting, as usual, is free and open to the public. After the presentation and round robin introductions, refreshments will be available. This month, Evansville Farmer’s Market is the sponsor. Every Saturday, Farmer’s Market vendors are conveniently located right outside Creekside Place from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. with farm produce, baked goods and crafts that are locally homegrown or handmade.
For information about sponsoring refreshments, or to learn more about I&E Club, contact Sue Berg at or call 608-882-0986 .
9 hours ago
Mailbag; Vinehout Writes Re: Sand Mines
Locals Express Concerns About Sand Mines
July 25, 2012 ~ Volume 6 Issue 29
“The only issue western Wisconsin people care about are sand mines,” the woman told me. “They love them or they hate them.”
At fairs and festivals across western Wisconsin I frequently hear about mining of sand from the hills of the driftless area. The rolling hills along the Mississippi River contain 500 million year old sand with the perfect hardness and shape for hydraulic fracture mining.
Every day hundreds of rail cars leave for North Dakota, Pennsylvania and Texas filled with bluff country sand worth about $20,000 a rail car at the drilling site. Industry experts say the only thing limiting the exodus of Wisconsin sand is the availability of rail cars.
Western Wisconsin is ground zero for ‘frac sand’. The number of western Wisconsin mines grew by five times since last summer; the number of combined mines and processing plants quadrupled. But the 87 mines operating or under construction is just the beginning.
Most of the sand mines are open-pit. Some use ‘pillar mining’ - underground mining similar to coal mining.
Last year Wisconsin lawmakers debated iron ore mining, but not a single hearing was scheduled by the Republican controlled legislature on sand mining. I advanced three proposals including a comprehensive review of sand mining through a bipartisan Legislative Council Study Committee. I crafted two bills requiring notification of citizens when sand mine companies were going to begin operations in their neighborhoods. All proposals were rejected without a single public hearing.
State law regulates 1000 acre sand mines like small gravel pits. The section of law relating to ‘nonmetallic’ mining (sand mining) only requires a plan for reclaiming the land. Air and water quality, considered in different sections of law, are loosely interpreted to eliminate many common sense measures, such as air monitoring near the edge of the mine.
Many see jobs coming to rural areas as justification for increased traffic and neighbors’ inconvenience. But critics are concerned about air and water quality, devaluing of nearby property, noise and light nuisances and damage to rural roads.
The explosion of sand mines often pits one business owner against another. Some farmers sold land at 10 times its former value, while others lost property value when a sand mine opened next door. Regional land owners are concerned a large number of high capacity wells will draw down ground water for neighboring farms and rural residents.
I spoke with several tourism-related business owners in Pepin County who joined forces to stop a sand transfer facility just south of the river town of Stockholm.
On Lake Pepin’s shores the proposed sand transfer facility would be used to load sand from mines up and down the Mississippi. Business owners argue the increased traffic would aggravate already stressed roads. Tourism leaders say truck traffic and heavy industry would be incompatible with the Great River Road. A 700’ Scenic Easement protects land near the Great River Road.
Visitors come to see the site of the French Fort St. Antoine built by Nicholas Perrot on the shores of Lake Pepin in 1686. The Pepin Lake area is part of the Wisconsin’s Great River Road and recently named “the Prettiest Drive in America” by Huffington Post.
Local residents complain it is hard to find information about proposed mines. One woman told me she counted 13 public hearings in Trempealeau County over the past several weeks.
“People do not understand the immensity of what is happening to our local community,” said an Ettrick Township resident. “Nor do they realize what happens to the sand when it leaves here. What is happening to those the people of those communities?”
Without state action to slow development of sand mines, local officials make decisions on a case-by-case basis about the location of sand mine and rules mines must follow. Local leaders can’t monitor the mines once agreements are reached and residents worry about the ability of local government to enforce rules at mines.
If you are interested in learning more about sand mines and their impact on western Wisconsin, let me know. I will be glad to send you my periodic sand mine update newsletter.
* * * * *
Click here to download the PDF
Paid for by Voters for Vinehout, Terri Stanley, Treasurer. We have made every effort to remove government addresses from this list. If we have erred, please accept our apologies and disregard this e-mail. Please allow 7 days for your address to be removed from our mailing list.
PO Box 1274
Eau Claire, WI 54702
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Evansville Electric Rate Case Public Hearing is August 2 at 11am:
The regular meeting of the Water & Light Committee for the City of Evansville will be held at the time and place listed below. Notice is further given that members of the City Council might be in attendance.
Water & Light Committee Meeting
Regular Meeting
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Water & Light Shop, 15 Old Highway 92, Evansville, Wisconsin
5:30 p.m.
1. Roll call.
2. Motion to approve Agenda as printed.
3. Motion to waive the reading and approve June 26, 2012, Water & Light minutes as printed.
4. Citizen appearances other than agenda items
5. Five-year Water Plan update
6. Customer concerns. Discussion and possible motions for billing adjustments.
7. Committee Reports: Chairperson Jim Brooks
a. Rate Case Public Hearing August 2 at 11 am.
b. Motion to allocate funds to participate in Creekside Place Health Fair
8. Superintendent Report.
a. Reliable Public Power Provider (RP3) application progress. Application due September 20.
9. WPPI Report.
a. Small Business Program Overview
10. Old Business.
a. Budget Calendar
b. Capital Plan Review and Discussion
11. New Business.
a. Review Application for Service
12. Upcoming meeting dates. Next meeting August 22 at 5:30
13. Motion to adjourn.
Jim Brooks Committee Chairperson
Economic Dev Meets TOMORROW; July 25, 2012 Creekside Place:
A regular meeting of the Economic Development Committee for the City of Evansville will be held on the date, time and place stated below. Notice is further given that members of the City Council may be in attendance. Please silence all cell phones and electronic devices during meeting.
City of Evansville
Economic Development Committee
Wednesday July 25, 2012, 6:30 PM
Creekside Place 102 Maple St. Evansville, WI
1. Call to order.
2. Roll call.
3. Facilitated discussion between City and Chamber of Commerce led by Judy Whalen
4. Discussion of next steps
5. Motion to adjourn
--Jim Brooks, Chairman
Monday, July 23, 2012
Public Works Meets Tuesday, July 24, 2012
The regular meeting of the Public Works Committee for the City of Evansville will be held on the date, time, and place stated below. Notice is further given that members of the City Council might be in attendance.
Public Works Committee
Regular Meeting
Tuesday, July 24, 2012 at 6:00 p.m.
DPW Shop, 535 South Madison Street, Evansville, WI
1. Call meeting to order-
2. Roll call-
3. Motion to approve the agenda as presented-
4. Motion to approve the minutes from the June 26th, 2012 regular meeting-
5. Citizen Appearances- Maryann Zelmanski, 129 Walker Street
6. New Business- .
a. Discussion and possible motion of an approved 25 mile per hour speed limit sign at the intersection of Water Street & Windsor Lane
7. Old Business-
8. Construction Updates-
9. Site plan reviews-
10. Communications from the City Engineer-
a. Presentation and possible motion to approve reconciled project list with W&L utilities and DPW sewer utilities
b. Update on Main Street Rail Project
c. Discussion and possible motion in regards to sludge hauling quotes for the next five years
11. Communications from the Public Works Director-
a. Monthly Department Update-
b. Preliminary 2013 budget discussion
12. Parks and Recreation Report-
13. Motion to adjourn meeting.
Mason Braunschweig,
Chair Public Works Committee
Please turn off all cell phones during the meeting. Thank you for your anticipated cooperation.
Thursday, July 19, 2012
Evansville Schools 2012-2013 Prelim Budget Presentation: July 31, 2012 6:PM Creekside Place
This is the opportunity for the public to be informed about the budget for Evansville Schools. Plan on attending.
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Duluth Trading Outlet Store Opens Thursday, July 19, 2012
Guys only had one complaint about our tent sale: "Stop making us wait a year for it!"
But now you don't have to wait to get a great deal on tough Duluth Gear. Our new Outlet store is jam-packed with year round savings of 50% or more on overstocks, slightly flawed gear, discontinued items and returns.
So swing on by and dig around for some deals. You'll be amazed at the savings!
Thursday July 19th - Saturday July 21st
Thurs. & Fri. 7am - 7pm
Saturday 8am - 3pm
1107 River Street ( Old Hwy 59)
Belleville, Wi 53508
This is the site of old Ace Hardware
Check Google maps for street view.
Mailbag: Vinehout Writes Re: Living Art
Living Art
July 18, 2012 ~ Volume 6 Issue 28
Almost every weekend, somewhere in Wisconsin, you can find an art fair.
Wisconsin annually hosts almost 200 arts and crafts fairs.
Art fairs delight the senses.
A man gives a gentle touch to smooth glass; a woman caresses a silk scarf. Youngsters shout with glee. Every tent brings a new palette of colors and shapes. The smells of kettle corn and roasted peanuts mix with aromas of leather and paint.
Particularly at art fairs, people dress to express their own individuality, adding to the kaleidoscope.
Art mirrors the earth from which comes all life. All of the art is from the same earthy materials: glass, metal, clay, wood; paints and canvas come from plants and oil.
But from this sameness comes immense diversity. Intense to subtle, colors and motions bring delight.
Themes are whimsical to provocative; from sublime to confrontational - diversity abounds.
The same materials of the earth take on very different shapes and colors.
Just like the people admiring the works.
“Oh, I really like that.” “No, not at all.” We pepper the air with our judgments about the art. But every item appeals to someone.
This summer I am enjoying the opportunity to visit a few art fairs and speak with artists. I’ve come to see art as a way of life.
Many Wisconsin artists spend their winters creating and their summers going from fair to fair connecting their works with admirers. Anyone who has spent a week at the fair showing cattle knows the experience can be exhilarating and exhausting.
Art, like showing cattle, can be a generational experience. I met a Wisconsin woman and her grown daughter who create traditional Chinese brush paintings. Charlotte, the mother, paints the landscapes. Kim, the daughter, paints the detailed tigers and dragons. Together they make beautiful paintings. Even more amazing since the daughter lives in California. They are truly a family living art.
The artist has a vital role in our community. Many of us are busy with the hustle and bustle of life. The artist beckons us to put our lives back in balance. The artist is able to see what has been obscured. The artist helps us open our eyes to our blind spots.
One artist I know is able to transform intense emotions into a canvas of color. She shared with me that an early difficulty she faced was giving up her interpretation of color when she sold her paintings. She learned to allow others to look at her canvas and see something entirely different.
The artist told me, “It’s up to the rest of us to translate the art we see into meaning and direction for our own lives.”
But living art is not just for the artist.
“Art is all around us,” she told me. “You must pause a moment and open your mind.” It’s about the way we look at things. How we experience what is around us.
For most of my life I thought of art as something someone else could enjoy. I now know there are starving artists just like starving dairy farmers. And those starving artists would be eager to share what they create with dairy farmers.
In fact they created an art fair just for those of us who long to purchase artwork but can be inhibited by the price. The Starving Artist Outdoor Fair will be held in Racine on Sunday, August 5th. No piece sold in the art fair will be priced more than $300.
Closer to home in western Wisconsin, a hundred artists will fill the beautiful river front park in Stockholm on Saturday, July 21st from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm.
More information on the plethora of Wisconsin art fairs can be found in a directory published by the Wisconsin Arts Board. The directory can be found on line, Wisconsin Arts Board - Art Fair Directory or call my office ( 877-763-6636 ) and I will send you one free of charge.
* * * * *
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Historic Preservation Meets Wed, July 18, 2012; More historic districts considered
The regular meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission for the City of Evansville will be held on the 18th day of July, 2012, at 6:30 p.m, at City Hall, 31 South Madison Street, Evansville, Wisconsin, or alternate location. Notice is further given that any members of the City Council or the Mayor might be in attendance.
Evansville Historic Preservation Commission
Regular Meeting Agenda
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
2nd Floor, Conference Room, City Hall
***First Draft***
1. Call to Order, Char. Rich Modaff
2. Roll Call
3. Motion to waive reading of the June 20, 2012 minutes and approve them as read.
4. Applications – Appearances
a. 132 W Main Street Dietrich — Porch/Decking
b. Others
5. Old Business
a. Others
6. Administrative
a. Grove Society, John Decker
i. Baker Building Museum
ii. Meeting
b. Management of HPC Documents and Records
c. Landmark & Historic District Discussions
i. Discussion of Additional Historic Districts
ii. Discussion of Historic Landmarks, John Decker
iii. Plaque Program Applications
7. Other Business
a. Correspondences, Comments and Concerns.
b. Others
8. Adjournment
Next Meeting Dates: 08/15/2012
RDM Monday, July 17, 2012
Monday, July 16, 2012
Tourism Committee Meets Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Agenda; Tourism: Div of Econ Development: July 17, 2012
NOTICE A regular meeting of the Economic Development Committee Subcommittee on Tourism for the City of Evansville will be held on the date, time and place stated below. Notice is further given that members of the City Council may be in attendance. City of Evansville Economic Development Committee Subcommittee on Tourism Tuesday, July 17, 2012, 6:00 PM Creekside Place, 102 Maple St., Evansville, WI AGENDA 1. Call to order. 2. Roll call. 3. Motion to approve agenda. 4. Motion to waive the reading of the minutes from June 5, 2012, and approve them as printed. 5. Citizen appearances. 6. 2012 and 2013 tourism budget 7. Advertising opportunities a. WEKZ b. Gatehouse Media 8. Bridge Historical Plaque application and update 9. JEM Grant 10. Discover Wisconsin a. State Fair banner & booth update b. Website banner advertising update c. Discover Wisconsin Brochures 11. Tourism activities a. Plein Air contest update b. Fourth of July update c. Inside Out Days update d. 14 South Artists Tour e. Oktoberfest update update f. Barn quilt brochure distribution 12. Next meeting Tuesday, August 7, 2012. 13. Motion to adjourn.
Sunday, July 15, 2012
An Invitation From Michael Moore
I Built a Movie Theater -- and a Film Festival -- and I'd Like You to Come To It invitation from Michael MooreSunday, July 15, 2012 4:57 AM
From: "Michael Moore" Add sender to Contacts
To: The Evansville Observer
I Built a Movie Theater – and a Film Festival – and I'd Like You to Come To It …an invitation from Michael Moore
Sunday, July 15th, 2012
Here's something I haven't spoken much about outside of Michigan, mainly because I live here and I like what modicum of privacy I have in this place I call home and where I try to live a "normal" life. For instance, not a day goes by here where a Republican doesn't stop and shake my hand. Seriously.
But I think it's time you guys come here and hang out with me! So consider this your invite to make your way to Traverse City, Michigan, where each summer I hold a film festival that is a favorite for filmmakers all over the world. More on this in a bit.
For the past seven years, in addition to my day job of making movies and writing books, I have spent a significant amount of my time volunteering in the town where I live in northern Michigan. Our state, as you know, has been in a long-term depression (say the word "recession" around here and someone is likely to punch you).
So I decided to devote my time (and resources) to help the area I now call home by getting its long-closed downtown movie palace restored and reopened. Downtown Traverse City was doing better than most Michigan cities – which means that there were "only" five or six stores on our block that were boarded up (or "bombed out"), and the nearby elementary school had "only" 70% of its students qualifying for the federal free lunch program (i.e. they lived near or in poverty).
The local Rotary foundation owned the large, ornate empty theater, which had not shown movies in 20 or so years (a theater has stood on this site for nearly a hundred years). I would often pass by it and think, "What a shame this isn't open" – but it was no different than any of the hundreds of other downtowns I've seen all over America. The locally-owned independent movie theaters were abandoned years ago (how I wish some of you younger than me could have seen a movie in one of these grand rooms!) in favor of corporate chains and indifferent, cookie-cutter multiplexes where one low-paid projectionist runs the projectors for all 14 screens. You can bet that really improves the sound and picture quality of the films being slammed onto those screens – and the pleasurable experience of "goin' to the movies" has now become just another way to kill some time in between texting and talking to your girlfriend during the show.
The $10 popcorn helped make things better, too.
So I had this epiphany. What would a movie theater look like if it were designed, built and run by the people who actually make the movies? Why are we, the filmmakers, never consulted about what the movie-going experience should be like? After all, that's our art, our creative work, up there on those screens. In no other art form does the artist NOT have a say in how their art is presented to the public.
I asked the Rotary group to give me the theater for a dollar, and we eventually settled on a dollar. I set up a community-based non-profit organization that would own the theater. Four others and I donated all the money needed to bring the theater back to life. I promised that we'd complete the entire rebuild in 6 weeks. And we did. Hundreds of people pitched in to hammer nails and make curtains – and the new "Historic State Theatre of Traverse City" was opened in 2007 with its 584 brand new made-in-Michigan seats, the biggest screen within 150 miles, a state-of-the-art sound system, a big new balcony built from scratch, a complete restoration of the 1940s art-deco décor, and a concession stand where you could get drinks and popcorn for just $2.00. I, as the theater's chair and volunteer programmer, promised to bring "just great movies," especially those movies that never make it to areas like northern Michigan.
Since our grand reopening, the State Theatre has been one of the largest-grossing independent art houses in North America. We have landed in the top ten highest-grossing theaters for a total now of 138 weeks. And, get this – for 62 of those weeks, we were the #1 theater in the country for the film we were showing during each of those weeks. This success has happened while movie attendance nationwide has dropped in the last decade – and with us, it has happened in a depressed state and in a rural, somewhat politically conservative area where the nearest four-year college is 100 miles away.
I am going to make an audacious (but true) claim: You will not walk into a nicer, friendlier, better movie theater anywhere in the U.S. than the State Theatre of Traverse City. I'm not kidding. When you leave you'll want to know why every movie-going experience can't be like this one.
How have we done it?
1. We have no desire to make a profit (e.g., you will never see a commercial before a movie). All decisions are based on what's best for the patrons and the community and the art of cinema. We do not share the cynical attitude of the cineplex owners when they say, "We make our real money on the popcorn!" We, instead, make the money we need to run the State by simply showing only good movies. We've spent every day in the black for our entire 5 years.
2. We are a mostly volunteer-run operation. Hundreds of people work a shift or two a month to ensure the nonprofit theater's existence. This theater is essentially owned and run by its stakeholders – the citizens of the area. Everyone has a vested interest in its success.
3. If we catch you texting, checking your email, or talking on your cell phone during the movie, you will be banned from the theater for life.
Now, back to the reason I want you to come to Traverse City in a few weeks. Two years before my neighbors and I got the State re-opened, I started a film festival in Traverse City called, naturally, the "Traverse City Film Festival." It is now in its eighth year – and I would like to invite you to come here this summer and experience It. It will be unlike anything else you've done. During the six days of the festival I'll be showing a great mix of fiction, nonfiction and foreign films I've discovered in the past year – 91 of them in all. In 2011, the combined attendance at all of our festival movies was 128,000! The whole event takes place in this small town that sits on a beautiful bay that's part of Lake Michigan. Tickets are cheap, and many events – like the nightly outdoor films we show on a 100-foot screen by the water – are free. You can park your car and walk (or take the free shuttle bus) to any of the 5 indoor venues. This includes the State Theatre and the four other historic buildings that we turn into first-class movie houses. Over half of the films will have their director or stars appearing in person. This year, we are proud to have with us Oscar-winner Susan Sarandon and the legendary German director Wim Wenders, among many others.
This summer's festival runs from Tuesday, July 31st through Sunday, August 5th. Tickets to the public go on sale next Saturday (but if you join the "Friends of the Festival" you can buy your tickets starting today [Sunday]).
So, come see me in Traverse City! I promise, you won't regret it, you'll have a great time, you'll see some fantastic movies, and you'll meet a lot of good people.
And you'll see what an old-school movie theater and a popular film festival have done to pump millions of dollars into the local economy. There are no more boarded-up stores on our block, and we now are helping and advising other Michigan cities about re-opening their historic movie palaces.
It's a little story I've wanted to share with you for some time, and now I have.
See you in TC!
Yours, Michael Moore
Saturday, July 14, 2012
6/2008 Union: Plan: Pheasant Hunting Lodge
(Ed.note: One of the most popular nationwide downloads with over 1800 downloaded. Classic battle for freedom and the American right to party.)
Town of Union: Planning Commission: 6-26-2008; Request to renew conditional use permit for pheasant hunting business and lodge; Gavel to gavel audio of this agenda item., no editing. Other video clips posted of sections of this agenda item.
MP3 File
MP3 File
"Bear Trader" Writes: What's in their coffee on Wall Street?
On 7/13/12, The Evansville Observer wrote:
> Bear Trader
> On the Squak on the Street this morn prior to the opening, Jim Cramer
> commented on the announcement by JPMOrgan that their loss was 4.4 billion up
> from two, that when one considered that the final net PLUS the losses was a
> huge number if applied by the multiple, then the valuation of the stock was
> much higher....huh? thus he was positive on the stock for the future.
> Lets all not discount our losses and apply the multiple and then be wildly
> positive hUH? what is the new math..or is it new meth?
Bear Trader Answers:
As I said earlier Wall Street is totally hot to Buy, Buy, Buy. I
didn't use those words, exactly, as I recall. I recall saying they
acted like manic bipolars off their meds.
The problem is that the world central banks including the Federal
Reserve have printed so much money since 2008 ($15 Trillion in 2008
and 2009, as much as the US GDP) that Wall Street is awash with cash,
drowning in it, and the money is burning holes in every pocket in the
financial world. Even JPMorgan-Chase is throwing money around like a
coke head. Dimon even says their $5,000,000,000 trading loss don't
mean nothing.
Did you know that Greenberg of Bear Stearns bragged about his coke use
to an underling once, and showed him his stash? About 60 or 100
grams, it appears, costing several thousand dollars. Who do you think
bought, buys, all that coke up in Harlem? It is not local residents
as they don't have enough money. It is easy to snort $1000 a day
worth (assuming you have the cash).
Too bad I can't borrow a few trillion at 0.5% and get 0.6% from soon
maturing Treasuries. I would get, for each trillion dollars borrowed,
ten basis points per year, or one billion dollars per year. Not bad
for no work and no risk, eh? Just call me Mr. TARP.
Friday, July 13, 2012
Listen to bloomberg today---here is my take
Thank You for Your Feedback!
Feedback Status:
TicketID: W00496150630649368880
Status: Waiting
Summary: news coverage today, July 13, 2012 poor
LOG: 7/13/12 20:14:40
Your Feedback:
The JPM spin was poor--it is not positive that they thought it was two bil and
it was six. It is not behind us---that is a disservice. Investors care that
there is no integrity in the reporting, and not one reporter stepped up to ask
difficult questions. Also---on LIBOR--- Geithner wrote memos and yes Paterno
wrote memos--and both failed to address a serious situation--and every home
mortgage applicant has an action at law for the fraud on the rate---On Wells
Fargo--on that interview---weak panzy ass questions---they have had settlements
in St. Paul and all over for fraud in lending and you give them the pass on the
questions---if you need a reporter call
I am not bought and paid for like u guys.
Thursday, July 12, 2012
Big Weekend August 4th in Evansville, Wisconsin
July 12, 2012
Contact: Mary Rajek, Executive Director
Evansville Area Chamber of Commerce & Tourism
Office: 608.882.5131 //
Plan to Spend August 4th in Evansville, WI!
Evansville, WI – Stateline area shoppers: Make your plans now to head over to Evansville for a fun day of bargain-hunting on Saturday, August 4th. Our annual Ciy-Wide Garage Sale and Main Street Inside Out Day sidewalk sale combine to be Evansville’s biggest shopping day of the year!
Inside Out Day is a family-friendly event that highlights local businesses as well as area vendors! PLUS, while there, you can enter to win up to $10,000 in cash! Only 600 tickets will be sold, and 33 cash prizes will be given away later that day! This annual raffle benefits the Evansville Area Chamber of Commerce & Tourism, and will be drawn at 3:00 PM as part of the ongoing August 4th festivities held just off Main Street during the annual Pete’s Inn anniversary celebration.
A special note to vendors – there is still room for you! Whether you have something to sell, or you just want to get the word out about your organization, this event is perfect for you! Sign up today and take part in this annual event that attracts customers from across the Stateline area!
Saturday, August 4th calendar of Events:
All Day: City-Wide Garage Sales
8:00 AM – 2:00 PM: Inside Out Day on Evansville’s Main Street, including: Rock County Dairy Trailer, Bounce House & Kids’ Area, Car Show, Vendors galore and much, much more!
Noon – 5:00 PM: Pete’s Inn Celebration – groove to a DJ while you shop!
3:00 PM: Winners for the 6th Annual Chamber of Commerce Cash Raffle announced
5:00-9:00 PM: Continue the Anniversary Celebration with the country & rock band - The Moon Dogz!
# # #
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
Mailbag: Vinehout writes re WRS Retirement System
Retirement System Gets High Grades
July 11, 2012 ~ Volume 6 Issue 27
Can you tell me what is happening with the state retirement system, the WRS?” asked a worried Eau Claire man.
means grocery money for many retired people. There has been a great deal of talk about changing the system or eliminating it entirely.
Two recent reports should put to bed any of that talk.
The reports show the WRS is the best funded in the United States, provides half the taxpayer contributions of the national average and uses a unique ‘risk sharing’ method to keep funding stable and taxpayer costs low while delivering promised benefits.
First, the nonpartisan Pew Center on States found Wisconsin is the only state in the union with enough money set aside to meet guarantees made to workers. The study ranked Wisconsin as a ‘solid performer’ in both pensions and retiree health care – the only state to receive such a designation.
Second, the state Department of Employee Trust Funds released a long awaited report ordered by the Governor that recommended no changes in the current retirement system.
“The Wisconsin Retirement System is an efficient and sustainable retirement system,” began the report which was conducted by an independent firm.
Part of the reason for the fund’s success, according to the report released last week, is the combination of cost sharing and risk sharing. Workers pay half of the contributions to the system – currently almost 6% of their salary.
The unique ‘risk sharing’ structure allows participants to benefit from good times but also to lose in bad times. The report mentions that retirees’ pensions were reduced collectively by over $3 billion in the past few years. Additionally, the contributions of active employees are reviewed each year and are adjusted up or down depending on the performance of the market.
The study found benefit levels in Wisconsin are lower than most public plans; members shoulder most of the risk of the plan; the cost of the plan has decreased to taxpayers and the flexibility of benefits paid out has allowed the plan to remain solvent despite the economic downturn.
Those of us over age fifty worry about retirement income. For many farmers or small business owners, retirement means selling the farm/business - including passing it on to the next generation. For larger private companies, employers may offer some form of contribution to a worker’s own retirement account.
Many believe the “Cadillac plan” offered to public employees provides overly generous benefits they will never see. But the reality is the median benefit is about $21,000 a year. Not bad; but certainly not a “Cadillac”.
In addition, state law forbids ever offering a cost of living adjustment to retirees. Similar to many private sector plans, the amount paid out to retirees varies with market performance.
Making sure retirees can buy groceries is important for Wisconsin’s economy. In taxes paid and purchases made, WRS retirees supported 35,000 jobs, lowered the unemployment rate by 1.6% and sent half a billion dollars to government coffers in taxes paid. Yes, they all pay taxes just like the rest of us.
At the heart of the WRS are the hard working folks at the State of Wisconsin Investment Board. This agency oversees all of the investments of the state of Wisconsin, including the retirement funds. Over $90 billion in assets are managed to bring the best return to the taxpayers of Wisconsin. The retirement fund is the largest but many other parts of state government involve funds under SWIB's highly experienced financial investors.
It is this professional management and large pool of assets that gives WRS an edge over other types of investments. The ETF study shows both taxpayers and workers benefit from sharing risk with a large pool of employees which brings higher returns at lower administrative costs.
The reports are so positive some, including Senator Dave Hanson, are now talking about opening up the system to private employers.
“That’s a great idea,” a small business owner told me. “Please keep me informed.”
I will do just that.
* * * * *
If you’d like to read the reports the Pew report can be found at The Pew Center on the States
And the ETF report can be found at the Employee Trust Fund website
Click here to download the PDF
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
An Evening of Conversation with Russ Feingold
7/11 Wed 7 pm Russ Feingold: Sustaining a Movement for Justice - Madison. At First Unitarian Society of Madison, 900 University Bay Drive. The Interfaith Coalition for Worker Justice (ICWJ) invites you to a unique evening of conversation with Russ Feingold. He will speak about: collective bargaining and the current attacks against organized labor; increases in income inequality; immigrant workers and immigration. Admission is free and open to the public. Copies of the New York Times bestseller, “While America Sleeps” will be for sale, and Sen.Feingold will be signing books at the event. For more information, please contact Becky Schigiel, ©2012 Wireman & Associates | 4001 Monona Dr, Madison WI 53717
Activities for Wednesday, July 11, 2012
7/11 Wed 6 pm What Happened in Wisconsin? A Radical Perspective on the Wisconsin Uprising - Madison. Rainbow Bookstore (426 W. Gilman) Join an informal discussion with Bob McChesney, Andrew Sernatinger, Paul Buhle, Mari Jo Buhle, and Ruth Conniff. In the aftermath of the June 5 recall election, radicals, progressives, and liberals in Wisconsin are discussing why things happened the way they did in the last year and a half. How did a mass movement in the streets get funneled into the recall election? What alternatives were there and why were they not pursued? And how did Walker and the Republicans mobilize a large number of voters to reject the recall? Was it money alone? And, most importantly, where do we go from here? Info? # 608-257-6050
7/11 Wed 7 pm Russ Feingold: Sustaining a Movement for Justice - Madison. At First Unitarian Society of Madison, 900 University Bay Drive.
The Interfaith Coalition for Worker Justice (ICWJ) invites you to a unique evening of conversation with Russ Feingold. He will speak about: collective bargaining and the current attacks against organized labor; increases in income inequality; immigrant workers and immigration. Admission is free and open to the public. Copies of the New York Times bestseller, “While America Sleeps” will be for sale, and Sen.Feingold will be signing books at the event. For more information, please contact Becky Schigiel,
©2012 Wireman & Associates | 4001 Monona Dr, Madison WI 53717
Saturday, July 07, 2012
Agenda: Park Board: Should Evansville Add a "Peace Park?"
City of Evansville, Wisconsin
Park & Recreation Board Regular Monthly Meeting
Evansville, City Hall
Monday, July 09, 2012 – 6:00pm
1. Call to Order & Roll Call
2. Motion to approve Agenda as printed
3. Motion to waive the reading of the June 11th, 2012 minutes & approve them as printed
4. Citizen appearances, relating to Park & Recreation, not listed agenda items
a. Motion on request of refund, from Becky Hurley from Wisconsin Farm Bureau, for rental fees of upper & lower diamonds and Oscar Dietzch shelter that was to be used on June 10th, 2012
b. Discussion and information, regarding adding a "peace park".
5. Lakeshore Restoration
6. West Side Park, bathroom & shelter
7. Aquatic Report
8. Chair's report from other Committees/Common Council
9. Reports/Updates on projects or Maintenance
a. Antes cabin
b. Fourth of July
10. Old Business
11. New Business
12. Motion to adjourn
Next meeting Monday, August 13 th, 2012 - 6:00 pm, City Hall
Thursday, July 05, 2012
Duluth Trading Replaces Tent Sale With Outlet Store
Say goodbye Tent Sale and
Now you can shop for
incredible closeout deals year round!
Our New Duluth Trading Outlet Store in Belleville, WI will be stuffed to the rafters with catalog returns, discontinued items and other deals you don't want to miss. It's everything you loved about the tent sale – now in a building!
Celebrate the Outlet Store Grand Opening
July 19, 20, 21, 2012
(Yup, exactly when the tent sale USED to be…stay tuned
for the address and hours of operation!)
Wednesday, July 04, 2012
Mailbag: Vinehout Speaks on Fixing Health Care; Creating Jobs
Joe runs a business making dentures. He hires highly skilled workers and pays them well. He also buys a good health insurance plan that costs him $3,000 a month per employee. If he could lower health insurance costs, he could hire more people.
Sam and his partner Bob run a small business in a tourist area. Their shop is doing well, but health insurance costs are eating up more and more of their profit.
Sally ran a café. She and her daughter needed health insurance but couldn’t find an affordable plan. The business was sold. Sally now works for a large company but still dreams of running her own business. The major barrier is the high cost of health insurance.
The names are changed, but these are real Wisconsin business stories.
Again and again I hear: one thing Wisconsin could do to help small business is lower health insurance costs.
Last fall I introduced a bill to do just that. The proposed law would give small business, farmers and people who buy insurance on their own the same bulk-buying power of large companies. The bill used the federal Affordable Health Care Act, or as I like to call it “Obama Cares” as a way to create a uniquely Wisconsin competitive insurance market.
Big business leaders like to say, “Wisconsin already has a competitive insurance market”. But any small business person – including myself buying insurance for our dairy farm – will tell you, “We pay way too much for just awful coverage”.
It’s true there are a lot of companies competing for your insurance dollars. This is why Wisconsin needs a special approach to complying with new federal law.
The recent Supreme Court decision to uphold “Obama Cares” gives Wisconsin an opportunity; one that should not be squandered. Delaying the implementation of the law until the state is forced to act is a big mistake.
Every day we wait, people are paying too much for bad coverage. Every day we wait someone without insurance gets sick and we all pay for that care. Often that care is provided in the most expensive setting: the emergency room or intensive care.
Most important: every night we wait, a parent without insurance lies awake worried their son or daughter will be sick and they will have to make a decision between selling the farm and caring for their loved one. I know. I’ve been there.
The Affordable Care Act is not perfect. Many of us would like to have something different. But is it a start. And start we must.
But instead of proposing changes to the law to improve it; instead of meeting with the other side of the aisle and compromising, conservative leaders are pouring big money into Wisconsin to change people’s minds and, hopefully, their votes.
Recently Americans for Prosperity (AFP) began running $600,000 worth of ads in Wisconsin criticizing the President for the Affordable Care Act. According to WisPolitics, the ads will run in every major market in Wisconsin and are part of a nine million dollar ad buy in 12 swing states.
In 2004, AFP began with money from David H. Koch and Charles G. Koch, both of Koch Industries. The oil industry giant continues to support conservative causes and influence elections. According to the on-line encyclopedia “Wikipedia”, AFP claims it spent more than $40 million in 2010 elections. Repeal of the Affordable Care Act is one of its goals.
But the interest of the oil industry is not always in the best interest of Wisconsinites.
Low cost, high quality health insurance is a goal we can all agree to pursue. Without it Wisconsinites continue to needlessly suffer; farmers and small businesses continue to pay too much. This makes it harder to add employees or to start a new business.
Governor Walker must avoid falling into a political trap. He must not ignore his own Republican Attorney General who told him he must follow the health care law. He can take real action to show that we can work together and find a solution that works for Wisconsin.
It’s time to put politics aside and get to work.
Nostalgia: School Board--4 Period Day---audio transcript
School Board--7-16-2007---Audio transcript of report to the board on the 4 Period Day Study. 40 minutes.
MP3 File
MP3 File
Monday, July 02, 2012
Mailbag: Wireman; Obama Farm Fest, July 7th
French Chef and author Monique Hooker who is a dedicated supporter of President Obama, organized a committee of kindred spirits. They created the Obama Farm Fest.
This event is a combination of tasty food, a gorgeous flower farm, bluegrass music for listening and dancing and wonderful handmade quilts for auction.
Dr. Zorba Paster from WPR's "On Your Health" will be the featured speaker.
Star Valley Flower Farm is about an hour and a half to two hours west of Madison. It is a beautiful drive.
So consider joining us and Mother Earth. You are welcome to share this email.
Please register, see below or just come Saturday, July 7 at 5:00 pm. Bring a friend
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