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Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Flood of 2008 Video: Information

(Ed.note: Howard Gage of Videogenics and son were award winning video producers of video in Janesville. They were of help to The Evansville Observer in the first video learning some years back. The Observer sends condolences in this terrible loss, and hopes the video might be of interest to readers in the Rock River area. )

“Flood of 2008” Video Information

My name is Lois Forbes, a retired teacher (a member of the Janesville Area Retired Educators’ Association). Our retired teachers’ group is assisting in this endeavor. I am sending this so you will be able to receive the information in writing and will be able to study it at an opportune time for you.

I am contacting you because Howard Gage, father of John Gage, is working with the United Ways in Rock and Jefferson Counties to produce a video John had made of the recent flood along the Rock River .

John passed away two weeks ago in an automobile accident. He and his father were the owners of Videogenics. John had been taking photos and planned to make a video to aid the flood victims. At the time of John’s death, all the photos had been taken and the video was nearly complete.

Howard has finished everything that needed to be done to produce the final video. Now it is being readied for production and distribution. This is where we need the assistance of local businesses and companies.

Many individuals in Rock and Jefferson Counties have suffered losses because of the flood of 2008. This documentary video (“Flood of 2008”) has been produced and will be on sale in communities along the Rock River . The videos will be sold for $10.00 each. All proceeds from the sale of the video are designated to go to special flood relief funds established by United Ways in Rock and Jefferson Counties . Three United Ways are involved in this venture--- United Way of North Rock County , Stateline United Way , and United Way of Jefferson County . Information is also available on the United Way website.

In order to defray the cost of duplicating and packaging additional copies of the DVD, three levels of giving have been established. Obviously, donations at one of the three levels will ensure that all proceeds from the sale of the DVD’s go to individuals in need of assistance. The three levels are as follows:

The Producer Level – Individuals or organizations donating $1,250 will

allow us to duplicate and package 1000 additional “flood of 2008” DVD’s.

The Director Level – Donations of $125 will allow us to duplicate and package

100 additional “Flood of 2008” DVD’s.

The Associate Level – A donation of $12.50 will allow us to duplicate and

Package 10 additional “Flood of 2008” DVD’s.

I hope you will be supportive of this endeavor. If you wish to participate, checks should be written to United Way, 205 North Main Street, Suite 101 , Janesville , WI 53545 .

Please write “Flood Video” on the memo line.

Thank you very much.


Lois Forbes

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