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Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Alert: Call Your Alderperson----Yes---- Mason Is Right: We need a referendum on Lake Leota: Let the People Decide

Public Works: 7-22-2008: Lake Leota: Mr. W asks Why do we need a referendum? Mason Braunschweig answers.

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  1. Don't forget to call your alder if you think the City should just get going and fix the lake without all of the folderol, either.

    The lake is too important of a resource to leave as it is. We're wasting time and weather to wait another 60 days. The referendum can only be advisory anyway.

    Let's get this accomplished.

  2. Anonymous2:07 PM

    Sorry grumps. They are counting on winter rates anyway. This has to go to referendum. This is not a needed item for the city. It will never be what it used to be.

    If it goes to referendum it may pass, what is your fear. It is clear the s.o.l.e. committee is afraid to have it go to referendum. afraid to let the citizens of Evansville voices be heard.
