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Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Planning commission: Exchange St. Bar ; Alderman Wessels speaks

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  1. Anonymous7:58 AM

    Well were any of the residents from East Main and Franklin really surprised???. As Brittany Spears would say " Whoops they did it again." They showed they don't care about the safety of your neighborhood or children. The comment about Romeo's was a non-factor , but they made a issue out of it. Because when people leave Romano's they don't all drive down Union/Exchange Street. AS with this bar they will all have to drive down Exchange/Union ST.
    I thought maybe my opinion of Mason B would change last night but he gave me no reason to think any different of him.

    Then of all things someone please explain to me why did they deny the probst application??? The city screws up, and then deny's his application???

    Evansville Gov. at its finest.

  2. Anonymous3:02 PM

    This alder (from the 4th ward) is against the bar, yet he voted in favor of it at the Public Safety meeting thereby granting the establishment a liquor license. If they were denied at that meeting there would have been a withdrawn appilcation at plan commission.

    You can't have it both ways.

  3. Anonymous4:27 PM

    NO we were told the plan commission and the city council still could have and would have approved it regardless of how dennis voted. We were told by law they ' had' to approve this. B.S.

  4. Anonymous4:29 PM

    IT very much may cost him the next election, we can't have someone who is afraid to stand up for his own district.
