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Wisconsin Wit

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

New York Bans Transfats-----other states to follow?

click on the post for the latest from Yahoo news. Could Wisconsin live without transfats? Stay tuned as The Observer follows this developing story.


  1. Anonymous3:40 PM

    Let's not even go there. Are we not able to make up our own minds on what we want to eat! Will it be against the law to become bankrupt because we chose the wrong investment? Will we not be able to eat cookies and donuts because they might make you fat from the sugar? No more gum or soda? Come on where will this stop. Oh, how about a beer, that makes you gain weight and causes all kinds of problems. There are plenty of other issues our government should be taking care of. Health Ins. etc.

  2. Anonymous12:19 PM

    I agree this not like banning smoking, people can avoid this, they are not subject to it unless they want to be.
