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Thursday, April 14, 2011

Mailbag; Library Funds for Civil War Event come from special private designated funds, not taxpayer funds

(Ed.note: Librarian Kathy Kemp sent me this answer to my question as to the source of the funding for the Civil War events at the libary.)

To reiterate, the Library has been given many monetary gifts over the years, usually in the form of memorials. Often, but not always, the gifts are made with the stipulation that the Library purchase materials and/or create and implement cultural programs. We are stepping up our efforts to do just that.

For example, the friends and family of Larry Gransee made generous donations to a fund in his memory, with the request that we use that money to put on children's programs that will enhance children's education. We have done so since the fund was created, and will continue to do so.

We cashed in a CD that had been given by the estate of Sally Eager, and which was sitting in the bank earning next to no interest. That money will be used as Mrs. Eager intended and as she stipulated in her will (she died in 1991) to put on cultural programs. The money we give to the Grove Society will come out of Mrs. Eager's donation, and will be used to implement Civil War 150 Years Commemoration programs.

It is important to understand that these gifts are not intended to be used for Library operations expenses. If the Library were to use these monies as part of the annual budget, people would stop donating. Who wants to give money that'll be used to pay the Water & Light bill instead of to buy new books?

These gifts purchase materials and pay for programs that would NOT be possible without them.


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