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Tuesday, August 05, 2008

OpEd: Economy: Observer declares recession has arrived

If you listen to the news, you know that nobody wants to declare that the recession has arrived. Today I am suggesting it has----and by the classic indicater----the COMEDY CENTRAL or MOVIE indicator. None of the other news media will dare use such popular indicies...but the Observer will.

In the depth of the Depression, there was just one area of revenue in business that was sacred---you guessed it---the movies. They cost .25 and it was a necessity, and even more necessary than bread---it provided the motivation, and cheering up, and maybe even faith that everyday folks needed to get by.

Today---in the news market that is present, where all the links lead nowhere...where there are really no correspondents covering the news in depth---there is really only one source for the news----and it is COMEDY CENTRAL. Yes. I have clocked the T.V. I have watched, and I am now totally dependent on Jon Stewart and the Daily Show and the Colbert Report.

Some of my readers may respectfully disagree---and I understand. However, before you trash this theory, click on the post and watch Stephen Colbert at the National Press Club dinner in 2006 and his remarks. That should convince you. Only the comics have any credibility. That is the dead sure sign of recession.

That is how I see it.

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