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Sunday, August 19, 2007

Park Board Meets on Monday Night, August 20th

Click on the post for the agenda.


  1. Anonymous8:45 PM

    Now that Lake Leota is ' back' why don't they just shut the dam and save of all a ' ton' of money.

  2. Anonymous10:24 AM

    The lake isn’t back. The depression in the earth is still just as shallow as it was when the dam was opened. Closing the dam without dredging would put it back where it was before it was drained. After the prairie of weeds drown and die, decay and wash down Allen creek, the lake will be just as pitiful as it was a couple of years ago. The sediment caused by erosion upstream will tend to keep filling it in. No noticeable change would have been made.

    The decaying creek walls will still need repair so no money will be saved there either.
