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Saturday, August 31, 2013
Minutes: Public Safety: August 2013
Public Safety Committee
Wednesday, August 7, 2013 6:30 p.m.
Regular Meeting
Common Council Chambers
31 South Madison Street
1. Chairperson Jacobson called meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.
2. Roll call of committee and staff members present was: Chairperson Jacobson, Brooks and Fuchs, Police Chief Scott McElroy, and EMS Chief, Mary Beaver.
3. Motion by Fuchs, second by Jacobson, to amend the minutes to remove Owl and insert Out on agenda item 9, first paragraph and approve the July 3, 2013 regular meeting minutes. Motion passed, Brooks abstaining.
4. Citizen appearances other than agenda items listed- None
5. Old Business - None
7. New Business
a. Motion by Brooks, second by Fuchs, to approve the Operator’s License application(s) for Kathleen K Hermanson, Bonnie L Calkins, Lejuana E Meade, Christine Edlund, Melvin Arnold, Judy A George, Allan L Hurst, and Lynda M Laursen. Committee wanted noted that 7a4 did not have city/state/zip included on application. Motion passed.
b. Motion by Brooks, second by Fuchs, to approve the Temporary Class “B” Retailer’s License application for FairShare CSA Coalition for the Seventh Annual Bike the Barn event on September 15, 2013 in Lake Leota Park, Evansville, Wisconsin. Alderperson Jacobson questioned why there was no listed bartender to accompany the application.
Motion by Jacobson, second by Fuchs, to table the motion to be considered at the September 4 meeting. Motion passed on 2-1 roll call vote.
c. Alderperson Jacobson brought up the Knox Box. Chairperson Jacobson discussed the item. Alderperson Brooks requested more information be brought before the committee.
d. Chief McElroy presented his 2014 Budget for discussion. Items mentioned were squad replacement and radio for the emergency trailer, additional squad rifles, department staffing, and accreditation with associated expenses, phone system, utilities, and office supplies. Revenues seem to be on target for 2013.
8. Police Department
There were 1142 calls for service in the month of July 2013 compared to 1113 in July last year. License plate transactions for July 2013 were 64.
Officer Jones has completed Child Passenger Safety Technician (CPST) training. Staff completed range training August 1, 2013. On August 8, 2013 one part-time officer, Jamey Davis, will be appointed at the Police Commission meeting. Coop student, Josh Chenoweth, has been working morning hours since June 10th. The Emergency Operations Manual/Plan is being updated with the assistance of Administrative Assistant, Samantha Trumpy.
The police department assisted with the 5k/10k run on the Fourth of July. The July 4th festivities went very well. On July 24, staff went to the Daycare Kids Club and met with children ages 6-10. Chief McElroy represented Evansville at the Rock County National Night Out event in Beloit on August 6, 2013. Officers Reese and Laufenberg will represent Evansville on August 15 for Evansville Night Out. Chief McElroy will attend for a short time then leave for a class.
Evansville Police Department will be participating in the State of Wisconsin annual “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over” crackdown on drunken drivers from August 16 through September 2, 2013.
9. Emergency Medical Service
The run total for the month of July 2013 was 50, with the year-to-date total up to July 31, 2013 was 312. 810 had one of the runs for July with a year-to-date total of 38. The year-to-date total for 2012 was 245, with a 67 run increase for 2013.
Effective July 11, 2013, the State approved the Evansville EMS to utilize manual defibrillation on all pulse-less non-breather calls.
The Evansville Night Out is scheduled for August 15, 2013 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. A free of charge pool party will be offered to anyone in attendance after demonstrations are complete. A condensed Bike Rodeo will also be held for local children.
10. Motion by Fuchs, second by Jacobson, to adjourn at 7:58 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Barbara Jacobson, Chairperson
These minutes are not official until approved by Public Safety at their next regular meeting
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