The Evansville Observer Archive:
The unofficial history of Evansville, Wisconsin from 2005-2013: Thousands of Video and Audio and Articles; Free: To Search scroll to the Search this Blog line and enter name of person, topic, or issue. Then scroll up to see all articles. Or use Google Search by topic. Enjoy.
Click on the post for the story in the Janesville Gazette about the electronic signs that have been erected by Lamar Advertising. The debate about such signs occured in Evansville at the time the sign for the new Evansville Bank was constructed.
I think this is a big huff or nothing. This technology is great. I pay attention to these billboards more than the others, and the advertising space is cheaper as you share it with others. Leave it as it is.
I think this is a big huff or nothing. This technology is great. I pay attention to these billboards more than the others, and the advertising space is cheaper as you share it with others. Leave it as it is.