Thursday, July 05, 2007

"Chasin" blog: Chasin has the latest-------

Is it HOLD or FOLD? "Chasin" wants to know. Click on the post for the latest from "Chasin."


  1. Anonymous12:19 PM

    Since I don't (more like can't) post on Chasin' site I will say this here.

    (1) Chasin claims that the city does/did not do enough for the upcoming construction and then uses an example that we need a fetsival or two. Um we have a 6 day festival going on now.

    (2) Chasin claims we are going to bust smart growth. Does Chasin even know what teh smart groth plan is?

    (3) All Chasin does is complain while offering no alternatives. He says the city spends too much. On what? Chasin does not share that.

    I love the idea of the community being informed. That is why I read the Observer's site. I also l;ike that when the Observer decides to editorialize he adds alternatives plans/methods and/or viewpoints. Chasin does not do this.

    I along with numerous other anonymous followers of these local sites have noticed and ask only that more than one perspective be offered and backed up with something other than negativity.

  2. Anonymous8:12 AM

    It sounds like you are the one that is negative. There has been alot of positive things on Chasin. The big difference is Chasin site is more about opinion on issues than news. The Observer tends to go more with just the news. I have sent a couple of email messages back and fourth with chasin about a couple of things and found them to have a pretty good concept of what is going on.

    Don't expect any blog to post anythng you have to say just because you post it, seems like so many people want a blog where they can call names and just be nasty.
    That would be my guess as to why your posts don't get posted. Do your posts in a intelligent way and see what happens. Chasin has yet to not post something I sent. So it makes me think its what you are sending. Good for Chasin they don't have to post anything they don't want to its there blog. I love the site.

  3. Anonymous8:34 AM

    Want to post your spew than start your own blog and go to town.

  4. Anonymous9:38 AM

    1- This is the wrong place to bash another blog, in my opinion it should not even be posted here.
    If you have an issue with Chasin take it up with him directly.
    Chasin tells you up front what kind of blog it is.
    2- Chasin knows exactly what Smart Growth is! I know because he has been at the meetings.
    3-The point was we need more of a tourism draw than just the 4th of July.
    Stoughton advertises on tv, they have the Coffee Break festival the fair the Norwegian deal, the Christmas festival.
    SO we have the 4th, big deal!
    4- Chasin is well aware of the city expenditures, look around any one with two eyes can see them,
    the new exchange street the fence at the lumber yard, Farnsworth's ceramic shop, the eager building the new street downtown.
    The remodeled city hall.
    If Chasin is not your cup of tea then fine don't go there.
