Sunday, June 03, 2007

"Chasin the News": Another Bar?

Planning Commission tomorrow night will take up a proposal to have a new bar on Exchange Street. "Chasin the News" blog weighs in on this issue. Click on the post.


  1. Anonymous7:27 AM

    It looks as though someone feels our pain.

  2. Until recently, agenda's have been regularly emailed to a long list of people. While this email distribution does not count as an official posting, such as the library or police department, it nonetheless was a great means of keeping informed. Unfortunately, the agenda for this Planning meeting was not emailed as far as I can tell.

    Thanks to "Chasin" for chasing this agenda down and letting us know some of what is expected. I am curious to know if the new restrictive fence ordinance or the design standards are noticed for discussion or action as well as the bar?

    Thanks again

  3. Anonymous2:27 AM

    Another bar that is just what this town needs. Why is it that anything that brings business into this town deals with alcohol? It says something about the citizens of the city.
