Thursday, April 12, 2007

RFP: Allen Creek Redevelopment Plan

(Ed. note: The following document was in PDF format but unreadable as such. I have published it in digital form on The Observer for public view. )

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Request for Proposals

Allen Creek Redevelopment Master Plan
Evansville, Wisconsin

The Evansville Redevelopment Authority in conjunction with the Plan Commission is seeking the services of an
urban design consultant or a consultant team to prepare a redevelopment master plan for approximately 38
acres on the city’s north side along USH 14. The area contains a mix of developed, vacant, and underutilized
properties, wetlands, and a regulated 100-year floodplain. Many of the parcels are oddly shaped. All of the
parcels are in private ownership.

The primary focus of the project is a 22-acre area, which is labeled Allen Creek Project Area on the attached
location map. Depending on cost, the project may or may not include the area labeled North Union Project

The redevelopment master plan is intended to:

1. Help the city create a new zoning district and supporting development standards and design guidelines
for the Allen Creek Project Area
2. Stimulate redevelopment projects
3. Serve as a benchmark for when a property owner submits a development project for the city’s

Previous Studies
The City of Evansville adopted a Smart Growth Comprehensive Plan in 2004, which identifies the Allen Creek
Project Area as an extension of the city’s traditional downtown and the North Union Project Area as a gateway
of the city.

Scope of Work
It is anticipated that the following tasks are needed to complete the project:
1. Conduct one-on-one interviews with property owners in the project area
2. Conduct an opportunity analysis for each of the parcels
3. Identify real estate market conditions that may affect the development and redevelopment of land
within the project areas
4. Create redevelopment options for those parcels where redevelopment is feasible and desired
5. Meet with the Redevelopment Authority and/or the Plan Commission to review findings and initial
6. Revise the master plan based on input
7. Present the master plan at a public forum
8. Revise master plan based on input

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The master plan is to consist of a written report in both hard-copy and digital formats that, at a minimum,

1. key findings,
2. a full-color drawing of the project area that shows the location of a potential bike path along Allen
Creek, access points onto Union Street (WisDOT coordination required), parking lot locations, building
locations, and landscape features,
3. three or four building sketches that show typical forms and massing along with desirable and required
design features, and
4. recommendations for implementation.
Candidates are encouraged to suggest additional tasks and master plan components, which in the judgment of
the candidate are necessary to the success of the project. The tasks to be completed and the scope and
content of the master plan will be negotiated with the selected consultant.

Proposal Requirements
Proposals shall contain the following information in the order specified:
1. letter of transmittal,
2. firm overview,
3. statement of qualification,
4. proposed scope of work detailed as individual tasks,
5. proposed table of contents for the master plan,
6. information about key personnel that will be assigned to work on the project including title,
experience, and periods of service with the firm
7. description of similar projects that key personnel assigned to work on the project have completed in
the last five years and reference contact information
8. availability of key personnel assigned to work on the project
9. any additional information, which the candidate considers pertinent
The proposed cost shall be submitted in a separate sealed envelope (one copy). For each proposed task, state
the total cost and the number of hours by each person along with their hourly rate.

Proposed costs should be
assigned to the Allen Creek Project Area and the North Union Street Project Area.
General Schedule
April 4, 2007 (4:30 pm) Deadline for questions from consultant candidates
April 6, 2007 (4:30 pm) Proposals due
April 9-13, 2007 Staff review
April 17, 2007 Redevelopment Authority reviews proposals and selects one firm or several for

Deliverables shall be submitted to the city within ten weeks of executing the contract.


The city has not set a budget for the project, but anticipates the cost to be between $5,000 and $10,000.

Evaluation Criteria

The Redevelopment Authority shall review all proposals and make its recommendation to the Common
Council. The Redevelopment Authority’s recommendation and the Council’s decision shall be based on the

following criteria:

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1. general qualifications of the firm,
2. specific qualifications of the key personnel assigned to the project,
3. the extent to which the proposal meets the requirements of the proposal,
4. proposed scope of service,
5. proposed content of the master plan,
6. references, and
7. budget.
The city reserves the right to reject any and all proposals, to waive technical defects in the proposals, and to
select the proposal deemed most advantageous to the city.

Point of Contact

Candidates shall not contact the Mayor or any member of the Redevelopment Authority, Plan Commission, or
Common Council regarding this RFP.

All questions shall be directed to the following individuals no later than
4:30 pm on April 4, 2007:
Dan Wietecha, City Administrator
Tim Schwecke, AICP
Civi Tek Consulting

Submission of Proposal
Ten copies of the proposal and one copy of the proposed cost in a separate envelope shall be received no later
than 4:30 pm on April 6. Proposals received after this date and proposals submitted via fax will not be
considered. Candidates interested in responding to this RFP should send the above-outlined documentation to:
Dan Wietecha, City Administrator; City of Evansville; 31 S. Madison Street; PO Box 76; Evansville, WI 53536.

1 comment:

  1. Evansville has needed a more developed use of Allen Creek for quite some time. We've always seemed to be proud of Allen Creek, yet hid it away (except for leota park). We need to make use of it like they did with the Fox River in Waukesha.
