Saturday, July 01, 2006

Planning Commission Resolution 2006-7 Clarified

In the Thursday night Evansville Planning Commission, members voted to change the future land use map to eliminate the "potential school site shown on the future land use map on the south side of Porter Road on paercel #6-20-243" because it was "no longer needed."

Some of my dear readers might be a bit bewildered by the statement "no longer needed."

To make it perfectly clear, the parcel 6-20-243 is unsuitable for development of a school since it has a very high water table. Remember. We are the Blue Devils. Not the Swamp Dogs. We don't do swamps.


The Evansville School District is considering hiring architects to conduct planning and one of the tasks of those architects in addition to assessing needs, is to determine what is in the best interest of the school district specifically in site determination. The Observer applauds this concept. It is important for the school district to have an independent determination of what is best rather than be the recipient of land that is....well...waterlogged.

1 comment:

  1. The site suffered both from the water table and from the distance from the lift station. We will soon need a West-side school but that's not the palce for it.
