The Evansville Observer Archive:
The unofficial history of Evansville, Wisconsin from 2005-2013: Thousands of Video and Audio and Articles; Free: To Search scroll to the Search this Blog line and enter name of person, topic, or issue. Then scroll up to see all articles. Or use Google Search by topic. Enjoy.
The Milwaukee Journal has an excellent article on the ending of the open enrollemnt limit as of the upcoming school year, and quotes Brett Davis concerning the possible effect on the Albany School District.
Albany has been suffering for along time. Alot of it has been poor mgmt. Its unfair to make kids stay in a school that is not adequate, and lacks choices. The school board has known for years of the serious issues before them and has done very little to make changes.
Albany has been suffering for along time. Alot of it has been poor mgmt. Its unfair to make kids stay in a school that is not adequate, and lacks choices. The school board has known for years of the serious issues before them and has done very little to make changes.